DotLeap 53: New Parachain Auctions Begin
DOT staking rate on the rise, Moonriver and Shiden go live, Kusama demo day, and more.
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Polkadot Updates
🔴 ⭕️ Relay Chain
current staking rate 63.8% // ideal staking rate 75%
🔴 🏛 Governance
Referendum 33, proposing a runtime upgrade on Polkadot Network to v9090, is now up for a vote by the community. If approved, the proposal will be executed in block #6,713,249.
Motion 105, funding a Treasury Proposal for an India-focused Polkadot incubator, has passed the Council vote.
With 0.03% turnout, Referendum 32, proposing to increase the number of validators from 297 to 299, is currently failing.
The Polkadot Ecology Research Institute has issued a milestone report on work done from their Treasury funding.
Kusama Updates ₑₓₚₑcₜ cₕₐₒₛ
🦅 ⭕️ Relay Chain
current staking rate 43.1% // ideal staking rate 72.5%
There are now 16 projects with active crowdloans. The amount of KSM locked for this round of crowdloans has increased ~ 99.5% over the last 24 hours to 280,942 KSM. (~$110,969,280).
🦅 🏛 Governance
Motion 344, providing operational funding via Treasury Proposal to PolkaStats, was approved by the council.
Motion 345 passed and was executed. Parachains that have participated in crowdloans before and did not get a slot in the first 5 auctions have their paraID's locked at the moment: therefore they cannot recover their reserved KSMs when previously registering. Governance can unlock this by voting on a sudo call proposal enacting this call. But at the moment 10 parachains need to do this: in order to avoid 10 subsequent proposals, this motion is a
call including aforceRemoveLock(para)
for each of them.Referendum 129, increasing the UMP service limit threshold from 4,000,000,000 to 5,000,000,000, passed community vote and is now in an enactment period that will take 3 days.
Referendum 130, to upgrade the Statemine runtime to v3, passed unanimously.
Referendum 131 was proposed, fast-tracked, and executed since Friday. This was a simple change to allow parathread IDs which participated in the first set of auctions (but did not get a parachain slot) to participate in the second.
Jwumanji posted a Proposal seeking feedback for a Kusama-centered conference, CHAOS 2021.
Kodadot posted a Proposal to integrate Statemine NFT assets into their NFT explorer. NFTs are supported on the Statemine platform (via the uniques pallet), but there is currently no interface for interacting with them other than extrinsics.
NibbleBits has posted on Polkassembly for feedback on a potential Treasury Proposal to create an educational music video about Dotsama.
⛓ Parachains, dApps, and others
Astar Network has added Coinversation and NFTYLabs to the Astar Builder’s Program.
Subscan has completed all milestones of Web3 Foundation Grant — Multisignature Management Tool.
RMRK Founder Bruno Skvorc will be hosting a webinar on September 9th, 2021 to guide the Kanaria community and NFT enthusiasts on a visual walkthrough on Kanaria. Register for the free event.
Moonriver is now live on Kusama. Crowdloan contributors can claim their rewards. MOVR token holders can now nominate and stake in their dedicated staking application. More in their post.
Shiden officially launched on Kusama.
Darwinia launched Evolution Land Metaverse Experience Officer Program to jointly build and expand the community of Evolution Land.
Kylin Network partners with Shyft Network. Shyft Network’s opt-in compliance infrastructure, such as whitelisted addresses and Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) and GDPR compliant systems, will be further strengthened by Kylin’s data infrastructure and oracle systems.
Khala published the Khala democratic governance mechanism which will become a template for the Phala in the future.
Zenlink entered a strategic partnership with Manta Network to explore the field of “DeFi+Privacy” and to develop a DEX with privacy protection, providing practical use cases for “Polka DeFi Composability.”
SORA integrates SubQuery to provide data to the SORA network.
🌎 Community & Ecosystem
Remember to add any less-than-honest URLs or Polkadot addresses to These sites and addresses are automatically warned against when using the Polkadot-JS extension.
Web3 Foundation's TechEd team is working on tutorials for Polkadot JS users. Check out the playlist and learn how to create an account, how to use the network explorer, and more.
Have you ever wanted to try out something on Polkadot but aren't sure how it works? For example, making and using an anonymous proxy? You can try things out on the Westend testnet first.
On September 2 there will be a crowdcast for Kusama Demo Day. Hosted by Equilibrium DeFi with media support by Cointelegraph. You’ll see demos of major projects that are already live, a vibrant panel on the parachain auctions. Register here.
A quick video by @GldnCalf about what the Polkadot and Kusama councils do, how representation works on the relay chains, and how to get elected. He also made a PLO Cheatsheet.
DotMarketCap released version 2 of their website with extra functionalities like asset management, auction and crowdloan support, and more. -
🛠 Tools
A new community-developed dashboard, Total Panic, helps you get to grips about your node’s telemetry data.
🌠 NFT Review
A weekly newsletter keeping up with the evolution of NFTs in the Dotsama ecosystem.
RMRK released Kanaria birds to great fanfare.
Unique Network partnered with Seedify.
Kodadot unveiled a new spotlight feature.
👷♂️ Jobs in Web 3.0
Want your ad here? Email the editor.
RMRK is looking for Developer Advocates and Documentation Writers. Please get in touch if you feel like you fit!
That's it for this week - I hope this was as useful for you to read as it was for me to write! Many thanks to Bill Laboon for his daily digest, which helps me not miss some important updates!
The Dot Leap is put together by Bruno Škvorc and gbaci.
Got any links for Bruno for the next edition? Find him on Riot at, on Twitter, or via email at