DotLeap 42
Crowdloans consume 5+% of all KSM, the first parachain auction on Kusama is live, Polkadot Decoded official soundtrack minted as an NFT on RMRK, and more!
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Polkadot Updates
Polkadot Decoded soundtrack as NFT
Polkadot Decoded is done, but the music remains. In fact, it’s around forever - the soundtrack has been minted on RMRK as an NFT!

🔴 ⭕️ Relay Chain
How about that? 2 weeks with a smooth running relay chain and no problems to report. Long may it continue…unless we have positive updates 😁
🔴 🏛 Governance
Wei Tang has written up some thoughts on improving Polkadot's governance and is soliciting feedback. Ideas include council aliveness checks, blind voting and explicit abstain in adaptive quorum biasing. Read the proposal and drop your feedback on Polkassembly.
Figment's Treasury Proposal for DOT to use as incentives for the Figment Learn program is under consideration by the Polkadot Council as motion 85.
The Polkadot Ecology Research Institute is seeking feedback for a proposal for reimbursing June - August operating costs.
There are currently 21 tips seeking final authorization from Polkadot Council members.
Premiurly, the team behind Polkassembly, published a treasury proposal aiming to cover maintenance and operational costs for the forum: an integral part of Polkadot and Kusama governance. This submission covers costs for July, August and September 2021 and will be submitted again after this period for subsequent allocations, alternating between Polkadot and Kusama treasuries. Context, OKRs and budget can be found on the post.
🔴 ⛓ Parachains, dApps, and others
Fearless Wallet has launched a new version of its mobile wallet app. Now it includes DOT & KSM staking, phishing protection, history improvements, and more.
Kylin Network, the decentralized data protocol, announced a partnership with Wanchain to bring together Wanchain’s industry-leading blockchain interoperability solution with Kylin’s innovative cross-chain data services.
The Edgeware community voted to produce a new community film through an experiment in decentralized contribution that brings together the Edgeware Agency (Edgeware’s DAO) and Lemonade Money, a creative collective based in London.
Plasm Network announced a partnership with Doublejump Tokyo, the largest NFT content creator in Japan. This partnership will expand the ecosystem of Plasm and Shiden by introducing NFTs.
HydraDX, MathChain, Unique Network, and Kilt Protocol complete milestone 2 of substrate builder’s program.
Kusama Updates
Auctions are starting! This proposal has begun the first auction today (Tuesday, June 15th 2021) at the following params:
: 27000 (45hs: 3 less overall hours to give time for the winner to be picked)lease_period_index
: 13 (current lease period)Ending period: will be an additional 5 days (this is hardcoded on-chain)
🦅 ⭕️ Relay Chain
Parity made a recommendation on the timetable for the first five Kusama auctions and Kusama's governance approved. The first parachain auction on Kusama will begin Tuesday, June 15th, 2021, and run for approximately 1 week, with a new auction taking place each week. (Those who want to participate in crowdloans should note that they’ll need 7 days to unbond any KSM they want to contribute to a campaign. Learn more about Kusama auctions and crowdloans here, and in Shawn Tabrizi’s talk from Polkadot Decoded 2021).
There are now 11 parathreads registered as potential parachains, of which 9 are actively running a crowdloan.
Over 504,474 KSM have been locked in crowdloans (approximately 4.5% of the current supply).
In response to the start of crowdloans, the staking rate has continued to decrease on Kusama and is now at 47%.
🦅 🏛 Governance
Polkashots, which stores snapshots of Kusama and Polkadot databases, is looking for feedback for a potential proposal to integrate IPFS and cover operating costs.
There are currently 17 tips still seeking final authorization from Kusama Council members.
SubQuery and Fearless have partnered to submit a proposal to treasury for an Open-source DApp API for common data and document and publish learning material and tutorials to use it. The proposal desired outcomes are: to provide more support to developers in the ecosystem, improve the interoperability of dApps and parachains and attract more developers to the Kusama ecosystem.
Motion 309 by and aiming to provide usable blockchain database snapshots for Kusama network validators has passed Council vote.
🦅 ⛓ Parachains, dApps, and others
RMRK and Unique Network teamed up to create the world’s first composable NFTs across two unrelated NFT projects, based on the RMRK 2.0 standard.

Zenlink postponed the launch of Zenlink SlotVault, and it is expected that it will not be launched during the first parachain slot auction.
Сrust Network published a lightpaper for Crust Shadow, their canary network on Kusama.
RMRK has published the EMOTE interaction of RMRK 2.0. All implementers are invited to give feedback. More interactions and primitives are coming soon.
After breaking Kusama last week, the RMRK team are running another contest. Thankfully, this time it’s an art contest and the entries so far have been terrific.
🔩 Core Stack
This is a pull request by Shawn Tabrizi that would allow creating crowdloan credits—vouchers you can give to other people which they can redeem for DOT or KSM which can only be used for crowdloans.
🛠 Tools
Polkadot JS Apps UI is at version 0.93.1, allowing bidirectional Kusama - Statemine asset teleportation and showing teleport fees. It also marks dead endpoints as unreachable (cronjob test), fixes some crowdloan displays, and more.
Polkadot JS Extension is out with 0.38.5, with support for signing of raw data via Parity Signer. It also has a backwards compatibility break with previous sign/verify implementations like this one, in that all raw bytes are now wrapped in a <Bytes> tag.
Polkadot JS API 0.14.1 is out. This is a low priority upgrade that does some input length checks, adds an upgrade block for Kusama 9040, and makes the BN library more accessible by exporting it from
🤝 Community News and Articles
Subquery released a recap of their milestones hit in May, including joining the Web3.0 Bootcamp and acquiring new partnerships with Kodadot, Darwinia, and Fearless Wallet.
👷♀️ Jobs in Web 3.0
Want your ad here? Get in touch.
Zeitgeist is looking for a front-end dev and Typescript person
RMRK is looking for a community manager, a marketing lead, and an artist evangelist. Email
That's it for this week - I hope this was as useful for you to read as it was for me to write! Many thanks to Bill Laboon for his daily digest, which helps me not miss some important updates!
The Dot Leap is put together by Bruno Škvorc and Gilbert Bassey. Got any links for the next edition? Find Bruno on Riot at, on Twitter, or via email at, or on Telegram via @swader.